Transport & Infrastructure blockchain-based for a sharing economy

A blockchain platform decentralizing with ridesharing services

Unleash the power of rideshare to take your investments to the next level with iRYDE!


iRYDE a community, to empower investors with advanced, rideshare technologies to optimize their trading strategies and achieve maximum returns, for all Rideshare drivers and iRYDE holders by harnessing the opportunities of a secure, decentralized digital currency in an environmentally conscious way. By compensating years of exploitation, iRYDE will create a healthier, wealthier future for all.


iRYDE is issuing a token (iRYDE) on the Ethereum blockchain. The (iRYDE) token will be the only means of paying for services in the iRYDE ecosystem. iRYDE token payments will be incentivized by built-in DRIVE to EARN and BURN commission, reputation points, and other incentives customizable by developers and guild leaders. Users can buy, sell, and trade iRYDE tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges and peer-to-peer just like any other cryptocurrency


Total Supply 100 Billion

Tax: 1.3%

iRYDE Token

Use the details below to add the token to your wallet or to purchase iRYDE



Get a Ride anywhere & Trade Anytime with iRYDE

Our Trusted Partners

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Chief Operations Officer


Chief Business Officer


Chief Financial Officer


Chief Marketing Officer